When Can Babies Sleep With a Blanket

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When Can Babies Sleep With a Blanket

Wondering “when can babies sleep with a blanket?” You’re not alone—there’s so much misleading information out there! For example, you know how baby blankets are packaged and sold with crib bedding? And how grandmas around the globe have been crocheting and quilting baby blankets since the needle and thread were invented? That all sends the wrong message!

When Babies Can Sleep With a Blanket According to the AAP

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is beyond clear: Babies under a year old should sleep in their own crib or bassinet with no blankets—or pillows, bumpers, stuffed animals, or other soft objects. Even with that warning, nearly 39% of parents report using soft bedding with their babies. Here, we dive into why that’s a dangerous move and share how to keep your bub warm without blankets…as well as when you can finally introduce a cuddly quilt to their sleep space. (It’s older than you think!) 

Is it safe for babies to sleep with a blanket?

No! It’s never safe for newborns or babies to sleep with loose blankets. Soft bedding is to blame for nearly 70% of sleep-related suffocation deaths in babies, according to a 2019 study in the journal Pediatrics

Why It’s Not Safe for Babies to Sleep With a Blanket

Loose blankets easily cover a baby’s mouth and nose, restricting breathing. Plus, soft bedding (and soft surfaces) can conform to the shape of your little one’s face and head, increasing the chance that Baby will breathe in the air they just breathed out. This “rebreathing” causes Baby’s oxygen levels to drop and their carbon dioxide levels to increase…which is dangerous during sleep. Normally, if a baby is taking in “stale air,” their brain would beckon them to wake and cry to take in fresh oxygen. But for some babies, that wake-and-breathe signal is simply too slow.

Swaddling: An Alternative Until Babies Can Sleep With a Blanket

While swaddling is done with a blanket, it’s not a loose blanket. Instead, a swaddle blanket should be wrapped snugly around Baby’s body, morphing your wee one to a cuddly burrito!

Swaddling and the 5 S’s

The AAP affirms that when done correctly, swaddling is a safe and effective technique for keeping babies calm and comfortable…and swaddling promotes sleep, too. (That’s why swaddling is an integral part of the 5 S’sDr. Harvey Karp’s renowned soothing technique that turns on Baby’s innate calming reflex, or baby's “off switch” for crying and “on switch” for sleep.)

How to Swaddle a Baby Until They Can Sleep with a Blanket 

To swaddle correctly, choose a light cotton or muslin swaddle blanket (47-inch by 47-inch) and follow the DUDU swaddle method. The swaddle blanket should be looser around your baby’s legs, but their arms should be taut and straight, while still allowing a few fingers between the baby swaddle and Baby’s chest. Too tight can restrict breathing and too loose may unravel…both scenarios put Baby in danger.

No time to DUDU? Simply use Happiest Baby’s pediatrician-designed Sleepea, the 5-Second Swaddle. Its simple-to-secure secure arm and leg flaps, breathable design, and an easy two-way zipper makes swaddling super simple and safe.

How to Keep Baby Warm at Night Without Swaddling

Once your baby can roll over, you need to stop swaddling. It’s dangerous for a rolling baby to be swaddled, because they may become stuck in an unsafe sleep position. That, however, does not mean your baby is ready for a loose blanket. Trade your trusty swaddle blanket for a sleeveless sleep sack (aka a wearable blanket), where your baby’s arms and legs can move freely. If your baby weighs 33 pounds or less, your extra-large Sleepea can be used as a wearable blanket—just be sure to undo the shoulder snaps so you little one can sleep arms-free. If your baby is snoozing in SNOO, know that they can remain safely swaddled until they graduate to the crib, at about 6 months old. Once in the crib, put Baby in a wearable blanket—or an appropriately-sized, arms-free Sleepea—for warmth.

How to Keep Baby Warm Until They Can Sleep With a Blanket

The general, cozy-sleep rule is this: Dress your baby in one more layer than what you’d find comfortable. So, when it’s on the warm side, dress your sweet pea in breathable cotton pajamas or a short-sleeve cotton bodysuit, with a lightweight swaddle or wearable blanket. When temps are between 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, look for a cotton swaddle that clocks a thermal overall grade rating (TOG) that’s less than or equal to 1.0 TOG. Both Sleepea and SNOO Sack fit that bill. (Learn more about TOG ratings.) While it’s okay to turn on the air conditioning if needed, never place your baby’s crib or bassinet next to or in front of the AC…they’ll get far too cold!

More Ways to Keep Baby Warm Without a Blanket

When the days and nights are cooler, make sure Baby’s crib or bassinet isn’t situated near any air vents or drafty windows, and zip your little one  in cotton footed pajamas or dress them in a long-sleeved cotton bodysuit. (Avoid synthetic fabrics that aren't breathable, like fleece, which can cause overheating.) Next, wrap your baby in a breathable swaddle blanket or sleep sack that’s lightly insulated for additional warmth, like the Comforter Sleepea or SNOO Comforter Sack, too. (These both feature a TOG of 2.0, which is ideal for chillier sleeps.) According to the AAP, swaddling not only keeps your baby warm, but the slight pressure of the swaddle seems to give most newborns a sense of security, too. That said, the AAP does not recommend weighted swaddles or sleep sacks, which can be dangerous.

To further ensure your baby’s sleepytime comfort, adjust the temperature of the room they’re sleeping in to fall between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Turning the heat higher can cause overheating, making your baby uncomfortable...and raising their risk of infant sleep death (SIDS).

When can babies have a blanket?

The AAP recommends that babies sleep without loose blankets for their first year, but they never offer a clear age when it’s okay to snooze with one. While it’s true that your kiddo’s risk of SIDS plummets after one year old, there’s no need to rush to buy your tot a comforter (or a toddler pillow) for their first birthday. So, if you're wondering if your 1-year-old can sleep with a blanket, the answer is likely no. 

It’s actually best to wait until your tyke is at least 18 months old, but it’s still not exactly needed at that time. Squirmy toddlers roll around a lot in their cribs, rendering their blankets decidedly useless, as they lay rumpled and unused beside them. (It usually takes a child until around 3 or 4 years old to actually keep their covers on!) Because of this, many parents continue to keep growing toddlers in wearable blankets as long as they can. As a bonus, a toddler-size sleep sack may be just the deterrent a kiddo needs to resist climbing out of their crib! (Meanwhile, a bunched comforter can be climbed on, facilitating a crib escape!) Before you pick up your tyke’s first honest-to-goodness blanket, chat with your pediatrician. They’ll likely advise you to avoid thick or weighted blankets or quilts, and steer you toward a thin, breathable blanket.

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